July 21, 2007

Our First Web 2.0 Site Is Going Live Today

For the rest of us, Web 2.0 is supposed to mean the second generation Internet: More personalized. More interactive. More social. And yes, more commercialized. (Do you consider this an advancement?) Much easier to build websites. Blogs. Vlogs (video blogs). YouTube. MySpace. Facebook. You get the picture....

With video starting to take over the cyberwaves a year ago, we realized we had to make our mark in this latest brave new world. So we conceived of an inexpensive, easy to use, self-serve web video advertising service. In our press release we say:

"Everyone now has the opportunity to get front page web video exposure on MillionDollarWebTV.com, for a minimum of 10 years. Promote your site, blog, MySpace, Facebook, or other social networking pages, products and services the web way: Easily and inexpensively."

Now we can truly say we are new media publishing company. Bubbly, anyone?

P.S. This does NOT mean we've abandoned "traditional" and e-publishing. As a matter of fact, we just signed a contract two days ago to release a new title, "Stocks 3.0" from our favorite financial author, Joe Spinella. (Yes, we already had a party for that occassion....)

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