May 28, 2009

Predatoress Bites BEA (Book Expo America)

Translation: This morning we delivered the Predatoress and Blood™ dessert wine gift pack for display at the New Title Showcase section of Book Expo America. A terrible drive to the J. Javits Center in NYC, but worth every mile!

And yes, this is our own June Marshall, marketing maven, author, artist, etc. etc....

Yes, yes, I know, in our Author section we still show the old title The Hungarian Bride - Dracula Defeated. Not for long, as Predatoress will be released the 4th of July, just a few days later than the promised Q2 publish date. Thank you, Emma!

As of now, our marketing campaign is in full swing: in addition to exhibiting at the BEA, we already started a Print Campaign and are ready to roll with:

* Our Virtual Author Tour
* Blog Tour
* Fascinating Author Interview and Podcast
* Social Networking Tour
* Microblogging Campaign

This is a LOT, but we and our marketing partners from Author Marketing Experts are up to the task!

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