February 10, 2009

Kindle G2 -- Amazon's Breakthrough Ebook Reader

500 years ago there was a new tool, called a book. It hasn't changed much. Until now.

Amazon has been selling ebooks for years. It didn't work... until fourteen months ago when they started to sell the Kindle.

Now 10% of the units Amazon sells are Kindle book sales. AMAZING!

A quick rundown on what's new and improved from Kindle v.1:

* The location of the buttons is smooth and efficient.

* It reads aloud! The sound is fairly good -- still computer-like, but totally listenable. I wonder, though. How will the Author's Guild feel about that?

* The screen seems more responsive.

* The 5-way controller lets you go to sections, preview stories, and move a cursor through documents for word searches.

* Whispersync: Read a little on your device, switch to another one, read there -- it will keep your page wirelessly.

* It has 7 times more storage than the original.

* It's thinner than the iPhone!

Ships on February 24th. Price? $359. Not a steal but certainly is worth it for the serious reader.

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